[30 is the new black] Australias Next Top Model | Cycle 4 | Ep. 2

30 is the new black has posted a new item, ‘Australia’s Next Top Model | Cycle
4 | Ep. 2 ‘

The episode starts with a flashback to Kamila leaving the competition and some
of the models shedding tears over her departure. Caris said that she was very
upset that she was gone, Leiden said that it finally hit her that it was a
competition and she needed to get her game on and Alamela said that she didn’t
think the group dynamics would change all that much. The girls are back at the
Model House and a mysterious stranger hands them a ribboned box. They open the
box and butterflies fly out. The Jodhi mail saying they are going to emerge
from their cocoons into beautiful butterflies. It’s makeover time!

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